
Comórtas na Leabhar Gaeilge – September

New prize book to be won every month

Prize Book of the Month
'An Ghaeilge agus an Éiceolaíocht' by Michael Cronin
Publisher: Foilseacháin Ábhair Spioradálta

“An Ghaeilge agus an Éiceolaíocht” teases out the greatest challenge facing Ireland in the 21st century – climate change. The climate is threatened by irreparable harm and without the Irish language, we do not have the capacity to tackle this fundamental danger. If we cannot in the future find our environment, an accomplishment stored away for two thousand years, the inhabitants of the island will not be sustained. The Irish language has been our warp and weft from time immemorial. A foundation must be made for it in the future.

How to win the book?

1. Answer the question
2. Register with our mailing list

Closing date for entries: 1pm Monday 20 September 2021