Aindriú & The 2 Johnnies

The Goal: Performing ‘When I Play for the County’ as Gaeilge live on air

RTÉ 2FM producer and presenter, Aindriú de Paor will coach The 2 Johnnies on their Irish language journey towards the goal of performing ‘When I Play for the County’ as Gaeilge live on air for the nation.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4 (Available 29th April)

Your Progress:

The 2 Johnnies have set their goal, now it's time for you to set yours. Follow the steps below to improve your Irish and complete your Creidim Ionat journey. Complete them all to earn your badge every week and track your progress as you go!
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5