
Grúpaí le Gaeilge 2018 (Groups with Irish)

Supporting opportunities for use in the community by providing funding for groups to run a programme of events in Irish in connection with a special interest they have.

Deadline: Friday 1 December 2017, 12.00 p.m. 

Conditions of the scheme

The group

  • The group applying is a community group. The name of the group must be the same as the name of the group’s bank account. Statutory bodies, local authorities or current grantees of Foras na Gaeilge are not eligible to apply for this scheme. A copy of the current bank statement of the committee is needed.
  • There are at least five in the group.
  • Irish is the group’s means of communications, but the group has planned activities in the programme of activities in connection with a special interest rather than Irish itself.

More information/Apply online