
Literary creative residency for Irish language writers

Call for applications for an 8-week literary creative residency, 15th October to 15th December, in the Basque Country  for Irish language writers.

Deadline for applications is 1 p.m. 8th September 2017.

The Other Words literary project is a partnership programme between cultural and language organisations in European regions which aims to establish a network of creative placements for European writers in small and minority languages. The partner organisations are:

  • Donostia Kultura and San Sebastian 2016 (Basque Country)
  • Foras na Gaeilge (Ireland)
  • X-OP, eXchange of art Operators and Producers (Slovenia)
  • Youth Forum na Mladi (Macedonia)
  • Leeuwarde/Ljouwert 2018 (Friesland).

The objectives of the project are:

  • To help literature written in small and minority languages to become known further afield.
  • To highlight the importance of language diversity.
  • To shed light on the literary creation process.
  • To draw attention to social themes, issues and social groups connected to small languages.
  • To promote cooperation between writers and artists in literature in small and minority languages.
  • To give writers the opportunity to benefit from a literary placement to help them develop in their literary career.

The components of the project are:

  • Placements: This is the essence of the project, which is based on the exchange of writers between different regions. Each participating region will send two writers to complete an eight week placement in two partner regions in each of the three years, and each region will also host two writers per year from partner regions. There will be a total of 10 writers participating each year.


  • Creative literary projects: During the placements, the writers will work on subjects dealing with themes, issues and social groups connected with lesser used languages, the result of which will be a literary text dealing with these subjects, maintaining at all times contact and cooperation with the host community and shedding light on the creative process. To help achieve this the writers will participate in a series of initiatives during the placements.


  • Translations: As stated one of the goals of the project is to foster literature produced in minority or small languages and to promote collaboration between writers. All of the texts created during the placements will therefore be translated into the languages of the partners and into English. This will enable us to share “other words” and “the words of others”.


  • Website: The works produced under the Beste Hitzak/Other Words project, and the creative process itself, will be published on a specially created website. This website will provide a platform for dissemination of the project content.

We wish to encourage all writers to respond to our open call. This is an excellent opportunity to create a literary work and to become familiar with another region. As already stated, the selected writers will live in another region for eight weeks, all expenses paid. They will also receive financial remuneration.

There will be more placements and events in the future, which will be announced at the appropriate time.

For further information email focaileile@forasnagaeilge.ie or  go to www.focaileile.ie,  www.otherwordsliterature.eu