
Shortlist for the Irish Language Fiction Book of the Year Announced

An Post Irish Book Awards 2023
Shortlist Announced for the Irish Language Fiction Book of the Year
Sponsored by Foras na Gaeilge

The shortlists for the An Post Irish Book Awards 2023 were announced at a special event in The EXO Building, Dublin on the 19th October.

We are delighted that Foras na Gaeilge are once again sponsors of the Irish Language category. This year’s award, for the first time, will be for the Irish Language Fiction Book of the Year.

The shortlist for the Foras na Gaeilge, Iris Language Book of the Year are;

Public vote is now open, you can vote here for your favourite Irish language book.

The winner of the Foras na Gaeilge Irish Language Fiction Book of the Year will be announced at the An Post Irish Book Awards ceremony, which will be held at the Convention Centre Dublin, on the 22 November 2023.