
Strategic Direction – Consultation process

  1. Introduction

In 2020, Foras na Gaeilge published its first Strategic Direction which set out the organisation’s major strategic objectives for the years 2020-2025. The Strategic Direction was based on a consultation process which included a survey, an invitation for individuals and organisations to submit submissions and public meetings around the country. Now that the period of the Strategic Direction 2020-2025 is coming to an end, Foras na Gaeilge wishes to launch another consultation process to seek the views of the public on a new draft that encompasses the organisation’s major strategic objectives for the years 2025-2030.

  1. Background to the consultation process

The draft Strategic Direction 2025-2030 is available here.

A large print version is available here.

These are the directions if you are using a screen reader.

  • Open the Strategic Direction 2025-2030 in Acrobat Reader.
  • Go to View > Read Out Loud and choose Activate Read Out Loud.

This draft was based on discussion sessions with Foras na Gaeilge staff and board and with external experts on various themes relating to the position and status of the Irish language in society, north and south. It embraces best practice in language planning and recognises major societal and technological changes in particular. As is customary with such documents, detailed information about resources and targets to implement the objectives is not provided. Instead, this Strategic Direction aims to identify Foras na Gaeilge’s work priorities for the coming years at a high strategic level. The next Corporate Plan will provide more detailed information on specific resources and targets covering the period 2026-2028 as will the annual Business Plans that we agree with both governments. 

  1. Expressing your views

Foras na Gaeilge is inviting the public to comment on this draft Strategic Direction. Whether you belong to the Irish language community, to a minority community or to the general public in Ireland or anywhere around the world, you are welcome to have your say. To this end, we ask that you complete this short Microsoft Forms survey to give general feedback on the whole document and the various major strategic objectives.


If you wish, you can send a longer submission to ts@forasnagaeilge.ie to make further comments, particularly if you are representing a community organisation or group. The guidelines relating to such submissions are as follows:

  • Please indicate clearly whether you are writing on your own behalf or on behalf of an organisation/group.
  • Be aware that this is a strategic document that identifies the major objectives of Foras na Gaeilge rather than providing detailed information on resources, budget or implementation.
  • Please note that submissions will be accepted in either Irish or English.
  • You are asked to use a common format such as MS Word or pdf.
  • No more than 1,000 words should be written in the submission. Failure to comply with this guidance may lead to the submission not being considered.

The closing date for receipt of survey responses and/or submissions is 1pm on Friday 6th  September 2024. Replies will not be accepted after that time.

  1. Equality of opportunity

Under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, Foras na Gaeilge has a duty to promote equality of opportunity and good relations. Given the nature and scope of the Strategic Direction, we decided that this draft would be subject to an Equality Impact Assessment, having regard to its implications for equality and good relations. This assessment is available here. A large print version is available here. We particularly welcome feedback from individuals and/or representative groups on the themes involved.

  1. Privacy and confidentiality

Foras na Gaeilge will publish a summary of responses after the end of the consultation process and may publish them in full. If you prefer your answers to be treated confidentially, please let us know, explaining your reasons. Even if you request that your response be treated confidentially, Foras na Gaeilge may arrange, or an information commissioner may require Foras na Gaeilge, to publish your answer in full or in part. We will assume that your answer, or any automatic disclaimer generated by your computer system, will only apply to information for which you have specifically requested confidentiality. If we are required to disclose responses under the Freedom of Information Code of Practice for the North/South Implementation Bodies and Tourism Ireland, we will consider any request for confidentiality. However, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed under freedom of information procedures. We will treat personal data that you provide appropriately in accordance with data protection legislation.

For further information on the confidentiality of responses, please contact the Office of the Information Commissioner at: www.ico.org.uk or www.oic.gov.ie.

  1. Following the consultation process

The responses will be analysed after the consultation process has concluded and considered in the development of a new draft of the Strategic Direction. A summary of the responses or the responses in full will be published on Foras na Gaeilge’s website in autumn 2024. 

Public meetings will be held, both on-site and online, in autumn/winter 2024 to provide further opportunities for the public to participate in the discussions. Following approval by the Board of Foras na Gaeilge, we intend to publish the Strategic Direction 2025-2030 by the end of 2024.


Click here to read 'Stategic Direction 2025-2030'
Click here for to read the large print version
Click here to go to the questionaire
Click here to read the 'Equality Impact Assessment'
Click here for to read the large print version