
Colmcille Grants Scheme 2021

The deadline for Round 1 of this scheme has been extended to 16 April 2021.

This scheme aims to promote relations between the language communities of Scottish and Irish Gaeilge and to strengthen Scottish and Irish Gaelic through these relations. There will be two rounds of the grants scheme in 2021:

Round 1: 

· Deadline Monday 16 April 2021

· Applications for projects starting in 2021

· Upper limit €12,000/£10,800

Round 2:

· Deadline Monday 17 September 2021

· Applications for projects starting in 2021/2022

· Upper limit €12,000/£10,800

An application can be made for up to 80% of the total costs of the project. The scheme is open to any organisation which is in a position to promote the relations and which has the appropriate documentation.

More Information:

Colmcille Grants Scheme 2021 Application Form

Colmcille Grants Scheme 2021 Guidelines