
Comórtas na Leabhar Gaeilge – May

Prize Book of the Month

Iomramh Bhréanainn MMXI Ón Daingean go hÍoslainn

le Domhnall Mac Síthigh

Publisher: An Sagart

Danny and the skilled and knowledgeable captain of the yacht Ar Seachrán encouraged the sailors and the other pilgrims to go all the way to Iceland. We become personally acquainted with the author and to some extend his shipmates.

As for the author, we get an insight into the ideal that inspired him, how the events of the voyage made an impression on him, how the first storm frightened him, how the calm deceived him, how the successors of Bréanainn and the old monks made an impression on him, how he overcame the problems of being curled up in his bunk at night with comrades who were snoring like sea music and all of them thinking that they had no part in the orchestra or in the grunting as happened.


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Closing date for entries: 1pm Friday, 27 May 2022