
Fás le Foras – MÓINÍN

Fás le Foras – Móinín

This week’s blog takes a look at an organisation focused on literature and publishing as well as other aspects. See below an insight into the operations of the organisation MÓINÍN based in county Clare.


What is/are the aim/aims of the organisation?

MÓINÍN focuses on a broad range of subjects. Based in the southwest of Ireland, the organisation’s work deals with two aspects in particular:

  1. Publishing
  2. Education and Training

The organisation works in the publishing industry dealing namely with the publishing of fiction works. MÓINÍN is a fiction publisher catering to readers of all levels from children to young adults to adults.

As well as that, it is an organisation dedicated to offering training courses in the areas of writing and literature, to writers and teachers. Creative writing courses are regularly run (for people over 18 years of age only) as well as courses for the teaching of literature at second level. Creative writing courses are run through Irish and English for writers, and courses for Irish and English second level teachers in teaching creative writing in the classroom. MÓINÍN also organises for it’s authors to visit schools.

Despite being founded as a fiction publisher in general, MÓINÍN has grown considerably over recent years and as a result the organisation heard the demand to branch into the training aspect of the ‘writing world’ by those who:


  • want to be a creative prose writer.
  • want to learn and gain an understanding and the skills of short-story writing and/or novel-writing in relation to teaching it in the classroom.


How do you promote the Irish language?

It is works in Irish that MÓINÍN mainly publishes and therefore, Irish is the language of the workplace in all aspects, the work itself and communication. Put simply it is through Irish that MÓINÍN operates and runs its training courses for the most part, though they are also run through French and English.


Describe any schemes/projects you have underway.

At the moment, MÓINÍN is in the process of publishing the prized Oireachtas book ‘Spluff Splaifeirtí agus An tIonradh ar an bPláinéad MARZ'.


How does Foras na Gaeilge support you?

Foras na Gaeilge fund the provision of the training 'An Dianchúrsa i Scríobh an Úrscéil agus an Ghearrscéil' – an intensive writing course in short-story and novel writing. It is a creative writing course free of cost for participants because of the funding from Foras na Gaeilge. The course is taught by Ré Ó Laighléis – one of the biggest writers of this time (in Irish and English) with over 30 years’ experience as a teacher.


What future plans are in place for the organisation?

  1. Expanding our training centre, 'An Scríobhlann'

In 2010, MÓINÍN founded and built a training centre – ‘An Scríobhlann’. It is located in Ballyvaghan and it is here that the training courses offered by MÓINÍN are taught. As well as that, MÓINÍN training specialists are recruited to give teachers and/or pupils training courses under the auspices of the education authorities, including education and training boards, education development organisations, individual schools, groups of teachers with a subject in common etc.


  1. Revision of our Publishing Policies:

The organisation intends to revise its publishing policies to ensure that they properly align with the aims and work of the organisation.


Contact details:

Phone:                         065 707 7256 / 086 211 8074

Email:                         moininpublishers@gmail.com

Website:                      www.moinin.ie


Does your organisation receive funding and support from Foras na Gaeilge that helps you to promote the Irish language? Get in contact with us at eolas@forasnagaeilge.ie top have your story included in the new blog #FásleForas.