
Spotsolas: Gaelchultúr

Gaelchultúr was established in 2004 with the aim of promoting the Irish language and various aspects of Irish culture, including music, song and dance, in Dublin and other parts of Ireland throughout the country.


Gaelchultúr provides Irish language courses and learning resources of the highest quality, aimed at adults worldwide who have an interest in Irish.Our goal is to offer first-class services to learners and fluent speakers to inspire them to improve their knowledge of Irish. Gaelchultúr are running courses around Ireland, taught by able teachers, and our e-learning website, ranganna.com, gives learners all over the world the opportunity to add to their Irish.

Since 2005, Gaelchultúr has been providing specialised Irish language courses to public sector bodies to help them fulfil their obligations under the Official Languages Act 2003. Most of the courses are aimed at staff who are in regular contact with the public and the aim of the training is to enable those staff members to provide customer service through Irish.

Since 2011, Gaelchultúr has been selected by Foras na Gaeilge to develop courses for the public sector. Under this scheme, Gaelchultúr has developed the Certificate in Professional Irish (CPI). The CPI is very popular and the number of people taking the course is growing continuously. Gaelchultúr ran the course for the first time, at level 4 of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) in autumn 2012, with four  students attending. Now, the course is available at levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the NFQ and is being run in various locations all over the island. In 2016 more than 280 public sector employees took these courses.

In the summer of 2013 Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) awarded Gaelchultúr the status of third level institute. They also gave the company permission to deliver the Postgraduate Diploma in Translation at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Coláiste na hÉireann, the first Irish-medium third-level institute was then established. Since that time, three groups have completed this postgraduate diploma and the fourth group are currently undertaking the programme.

Through the company’s e-learning website, www.ranganna.com, adult learners of Irish all over the world have an opportunity to improve their ability in the language. In 2016 more than 4,000 people took courses on the site.


Gaelchultúr has published a number of publications, between books for adult learners and resources for primary schools. The most popular of these publications by the company is Gramadach gan Stró!; the fourth edition of this grammar was published in 2016 and more than 20,000 copies of the book have been sold to date. These publications, along with many others, are available through the company’s online shop, www.siopa.ie.

With the support of Clár na Leabhar Gaeilge, Gaelchultúr runs an online Irish book club, www.ClubLeabhar.com, to support and help the reading and publication of Irish language books. A book is chosen each month to read and discuss and there are nearly 2,000 members registered with the club.

Gaelchultúr always seeks to make sure that learners enjoy and benefit from those of our classes they attend and that they regard the learning of Irish as a pleasure rather than a chore.