
gradireland Careers Fair, 3 October

We are  looking forward to being at the gradireland Careers Fair on Wednesday 3 October as part of the Do Ghairm le Gaeilge campaign.

This campaign is aimed at graduates and aims to:

  • encourage graduates with competence in Irish to mention it on their CV when they are applying to jobs
  • use their Irish in the jobs they will have in the future
  • choose postgraduate courses through Irish
  • apply for jobs in the Irish language sector.

Foras na Gaeilge is pleased to provide the 2019 edition of the booklet Do Ghairm le Gaeilge online, which will be a valuable resource for 3rd level educators and students. The booklet gives an insight into the different training and employment opportunities available to graduates who have fluent Irish. As well as a comprehensive list of resources and courses, practical advice is available in the booklet from PEIG.ie on setting out a CV and hints on getting a job with Irish.

18 videos are now available online in which our career ambassadors describe the advantage the Irish language gave them in their work life. Síomha Ní Ruairc, Coordinator of the Year of Irish 2018 and Micheál Ó Ciaraidh, television presenter with TG4 are among the career ambassadors giving us an insight to their work experience until now.  

Foras na Gaeilge and PEIG.ie will be available to speak with students about different training, employment and voluntary opportunities available through Irish from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 3 October at the gradireland Careers Fair in the RDS in Dublin. Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh (Foras na Gaeilge board member and RTÉ broadcaster) and other guests will be with us again to discuss employment and recruitment and to share practical advice with those present at 2.30 p.m.

To join us on the day register for gradireland Careers Fair free here.