
International TOTh Workshop 2019 – Term Formation

Call for abstracts
Often neglected in discourse on terminology work, the study of term formation principles, methods, approaches and styles within a given language or languages yields rich insights into how languages behave in relation to designating concepts, especially in specialized domains. Differing behaviour is particularly evident when comparing terminology of languages from quite different language families. And approaches to term formation often excite animated debate within language communities – how terms are received or viewed by users can sometimes produce contradictory results.

Thus, we invite interested parties to a one-day workshop to explore the landscapes of term formation within and across languages. Given the influx of terminology from English into other languages, are there things we could learn from one another about how new terms are formed in our various languages?

Those interested in offering a paper at the TOTh Workshop 2019 should send an extended abstract of 2-3 pages (including bibliography),  in English, French or Irish, giving a provisional title and outline of the intent of the paper, to workshop2019@toth.condillac.org by 9th August. Acceptance of papers will be confirmed by 15th September.

While registration for the workshop is required, those presenting papers will not incur a fee for attendance. The organisers will host lunches and a social event, and participants are required to take care of their own travel and accommodation costs.

Further details about the workshop will be available nearer the time at http://toth.condillac.org/workshop-2019 and enquiries may be directed to docroinin@forasnagaeilge.ie.