
Significant reduction in Summer Camp grants

Foras na Gaeilge has approved grants to the value of €158,417 for Summer Camps which will be organised during 2016. The Summer Camps Scheme aims to run summer camps for young people to provide opportunities for the use of Irish which help and encourage them to use Irish in an enjoyable way.

Speaking today, however, Foras na Gaeilge Chief Executive Ferdie Mac an Fhailigh said, “Although Foras na Gaeilge is delighted to announce these grants, we are disappointed that we could not approve every eligible application. This time last year we announced a grant of €192,779 for 92 camps and there is a significant reduction in the number of grantees this year. The demand for this scheme increased this year but, out of the 115 high quality applications we received we could only approve 69 of those due to lack of funding. Unfortunately, there will be 23 fewer summer camps funded this year and 654 young people will miss out on the opportunity to attend summer camps as a result.”

Further information: Press release - Summer Camps 2016