
Nuair a Imreoidh mé don Chontae

Creidim Ionat

Tionscadal de chuid Fhoras na Gaeilge i gcomhar le RTÉ is ea Creidim Ionat, lena n-iarrtar ar gach duine a bhfuil suim acu sa Ghaeilge sprioc teanga a roghnú agus a bhaint amach le cabhair ó mheantóir agus ón réimse leathan acmhainní atá ar fáil cheana. D’fhéadfadh na spriocanna a bheith chomh simplí le roinnt nathanna cainte nua a úsáid, amhrán Gaeilge a fhoghlaim, nó leabhar Gaeilge a léamh. Tá Foras na Gaeilge, an comhlacht poiblí atá freagrach as cur chun cinn na Gaeilge ar fud na hÉireann, i mbun cainteoirí Gaeilge a spreagadh chun iad féin a chur chun cinn mar mheantóirí d’fhonn tacú le meantaithe sprioc teanga a bhaint amach. 

Creidim Ionat is a Foras na Gaeilge initiative in partnership with RTÉ that calls on everyone with an interest in Irish to pick a language goal to work towards, with the help of a mentor and the wide range of resources that are available to help. Goals can be as simple as using some new phrases, learning a song as Gaeilge, or reading an Irish language book. Foras na Gaeilge, the public body responsible for the promotion of the Irish language across the island of Ireland, encourages Irish speakers to put themselves forward as a mentor with the aim of supporting a mentee to achieve a language goal.

An tAmhrán | The Song

Bhí an léiritheoir agus láithreoir raidió le RTÉ 2FM, Aindriú de Paor, ina mheantóir ar The 2 Johnnies, mar chuid den fheachtas, agus iad ar aistear teanga chun leagan Gaeilge dá n-amhrán mór le rá ‘When I Play For County’ a thaifeadadh.

2FM producer and presenter, Aindriú de Paor, mentored The 2 Johnnies on their Irish language journey towards the goal of recording ‘When I Play for the County’ as Gaeilge.

Treoir | Steps

  • Léigh an leagan Gaeilge (íoslódáil anseo). Léigh os ard gach véarsa in éindí leis na daltaí agus cleachtaigí an fuaimniú/foghraíocht. Abair leis na daltaí nóta a dhéanamh  d'aon fhocal nach bhfuil ar eolas acu.

Read the Irish version (download here). Read every verse out loud with the students and practise the pronunciation. Ask the students to make a note of any words they don't know.

  • Éist leis an leagan Gaeilge thuas. Bain triail as an gcurfá a chanadh le chéile gan an ceol ar dtús, agus lean ar aghaidh ón bpointe sin! Tar éis roinnt cleachtaidh, can an t-amhrán iomlán le chéile.

Now listen to song As Gaeilge above. Try to sing the chorus together without any music first and take it from there! After rehearsing a few times, sing the entire song together.

  • Abair linn conas ar éirigh libh! Uaslódáil bhur leagan do na meáin shóisialta leis an #CreidimIonat.

Let us know how you go on! Upload your version of the song (as Gaeilge) to social media using #CreidimIonat


Leagan Béarla | English version

Leagan Béarla den amhrán anseo. English version of song available here.

Léigh an leagan Béarla (íoslódáil anseo). Read the English version of the song (download here).