
Young Authors encouraged to publish

At events on Monday 25 May and Tuesday 26 May in Tralee Education Centre, awards were presented to some of the 1582 pupils from Kerry who conceived of, designed and published their own books in Irish as part of Foras na Gaeilge’s Scríobh Leabhar (Write a Book) scheme. Caitríona Ní Shúilleabháin, a judge on the television programme Glór Tíre and a member of the Foras na Gaeilge Board, presented the awards.


Pupils from nineteen schools in the Kerry area took part in Scríobh Leabhar, among up to 6,500 primary school pupils throughout Ireland who wrote a story of their own in Irish about a vast variety of subjects. Scríobh Leabhar is organised in this area through Tralee Education Centre in conjunction with Foras na Gaeilge, the body responsible for the promotion of the Irish language. There will be other events similar these ceremonies celebrating the achievements of children throughout the country.


More than 35,000 pupils have taken part in the Scríobh Leabhar project since it was set up in the 2006/2007 school year. Not only do the pupils write their own books as part of this project but they also have the opportunity to read other children’s stories from other schools. The teachers also have a central role in the Scríobh Leabhar project and they are given an inservice course with a view to helping them to assist their pupils in their efforts.


“This is a great opportunity for children to enjoy Irish and at the same time express their imagination,” said Aedín Ní Bhroin, Director of Clár na Leabhar Gaeilge (Irish Language Books Programme), Foras na Gaeilge. “They write about all kinds of subjects, from their holidays with their family, their adventures with their friends, their pets and the wide world through their own eyes. Not only does this scheme allow them to create their own book, both writing and decorating it, but it is a great way also to increase their confidence and their ability in Irish”, she said.


Foras na Gaeilge organises the Scríobh Leabhar in conjunction with several Education Centres, including Mayo Education Centre, Clare Education Centre, West Cork Education Centre, West Dublin Education Centre, Carrick-on-Shannon Education Centre, Laois Education Centre, Tralee Education Centre, and Gort an Choirce Teachers’ Centre.


“One of our main aims is that children will be writing and speaking Irish from an early age and this project promotes this aim effectively and efficiently and pupils enjoy writing their own books”, said Ferdie Mac an Fhailigh, CEO of Foras na Gaeilge. “We are obliged to the Education Centres involved. They are to be praised, as well as the pupils and the teachers for the great success of the project”, he said.


Caitríona Ní Chullota, Director of Tralee Education Centre said, “The Education Centre, Tralee is delighted to promote, support and further develop the Scríobh Leabhar initiative in partnership with the other agencies and organisations involved.


The initiative affords the child an exciting opportunity for expression through the medium of Irish, it promotes collaboration between school communities, introduces the concept of peer review to students and above all it fosters creativity and a holistic approach to the development of the child.”


Further information:

Anna Davitt, Programme Manager: Communication, Marketing and Awareness

Teil: 087 6736175     Rphost: adavitt@forasnagaeilge.ie