
Foras na Gaeilge seeking the views of the public on Strategic Direction 2025-2030

10 June 2024 

Foras na Gaeilge is inviting the public to provide feedback on a draft of Strategic Direction 2025-2030.  

Whether you are a part of the Irish language community, a minority community or the general public in Ireland or anywhere around the world, you are welcome to have your say. To this end, a short Microsoft Forms survey can be submitted to provide general feedback on the whole document and the various major strategic objectives. There is also an option to submit a longer submission to make further comments, particularly for those representing a community organisation or group.  

In 2020, Foras na Gaeilge published its first Strategic Direction which set out the organisation’s major strategic objectives for the years 2020-2025. The Strategic Direction was based on a consultation process which included a survey, an invitation for individuals and organisations to make submissions and public meetings across the island.  

As the period of the Strategic Direction 2020-2025 comes to an end, Foras na Gaeilge wishes to launch another consultation process to seek the views of the public on a new draft that encompasses the organisation’s major strategic objectives for the years 2025-2030.  

Foras na Gaeilge Chairperson, Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin said, "The environment in which the Irish language is developing across the island and abroad is changing rapidly. It is vital that Foras na Gaeilge sets out its priorities for the next five years to keep up with these changes and to seize the opportunities that will arise from them. Foras na Gaeilge's work relies heavily on Irish language groups, the Irish language community and the Irish speaking community in the wider community. This Strategic Direction will be stronger with input from these stakeholders, and I hope that the public will actively participate in this consultation to increase our understanding of their needs over the next five years." 

The closing date for receipt of survey responses and/or submissions is 1pm on Friday 6th  September 2024. Submissions will not be accepted after that time.  


Further information: 

Full information on the survey and process is available on Foras na Gaeilge's website here 

Any questions about the consultation process can be directed to ts@forasnagaeilge.ie